Mott MacDonald wins Erika storm damage repair work in Dominica

Mott MacDonald is providing design work for 20km of the Loubiere to Bagatelle road rehabilitation project in Dominica. The client, Dominica’s ministry of public works, is repairing the route following significant damage by tropical storm Erika in 2015. A grant from the UK’s Department for International Development has been provided to Dominica through the Caribbean Development Bank. Completion of works Mott MacDonald’s work is expected in 2019.
Road Structures / August 16, 2017
Erika’s handiwork in Dominica
Tropical storm Erika’s handiwork in Dominica in 2015: $226 million road and bridge repairs
2579 Mott MacDonald is providing design work for 20km of the Loubiere to Bagatelle road rehabilitation project in Dominica.

The client, Dominica’s ministry of public works, is repairing the route following significant damage by tropical storm Erika in 2015. A grant from the UK’s 3915 Department for International Development has been provided to Dominica through the 4833 Caribbean Development Bank. Completion of works Mott MacDonald’s work is expected in 2019.

Dominica is part of the Windward Islands in the Lesser Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean Sea. News reports at the time stated that Erika was one of the island’s most destructive natural events.

Repairs to roads and bridges were estimated at more than US$226 million, prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit said. Around $4 million was needed to clear debris and more than $14 million to rebuild Melville Hall Airport, one of two in Dominica. The sums were huge for a population of only 72,000 or so.

Mott MacDonald’s work encompasses construction of nine new bridges, the rehabilitation of the road in landslide areas, road safety improvements and upgrades to undamaged road drainage infrastructure. The scheme will also include assessments and design of foreshore protection, including slope protection measures along the Dubuque Cliffs.

Mott MacDonald will assess the condition of infrastructure such as bridges, pavements, drainage and earthworks, as well as provide detailed design for all civil and structural engineering works. The consultancy will also undertake environmental and social impact assessments and prepare extreme weather, environmental and social management plans, as well as contract bidding documentation, explained Tom Hickson, Mott MacDonald’s project manager.

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