Traffic delays in Kenya

Commuters in Kenya faced traffic delays recently as a result of lions wrestling in the roadway. Two lions chose the middle of a road as a suitable spot for a test of their strength. Located on the edge of a game park and close to capital Nairobi, the road carries heavy traffic on occasion and drivers were forced to wait until the animals had concluded their battle. Unsurprisingly, none of the drivers felt compelled to shoo the animals away.
December 14, 2015
Commuters in Kenya faced traffic delays recently as a result of lions wrestling in the roadway. Two lions chose the middle of a road as a suitable spot for a test of their strength. Located on the edge of a game park and close to capital Nairobi, the road carries heavy traffic on occasion and drivers were forced to wait until the animals had concluded their battle. Unsurprisingly, none of the drivers felt compelled to shoo the animals away.