Record (law)breaker

A Swiss man has managed to achieve a national record by committing 15 major traffic violations in a space of 10 minutes. Police were alerted when the man raced past an unmarked patrol vehicle at a highly illegal 160km/h, oblivious to the fact that it was raining heavily at the time.
February 22, 2012
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A Swiss man has managed to achieve a national record by committing 15 major traffic violations in a space of 10 minutes. Police were alerted when the man
raced past an unmarked patrol vehicle at a highly illegal 160km/h, oblivious to the fact that it was raining heavily at the time. As the pursuit began the man weaved close to other vehicles and the kerb, drove on the hard shoulder, failed to stop for the police and ran a set of red lights. When he was finally stopped, he also failed a drugs test. Bemused Swiss police commented that the man's achievement in breaking a catalogue of driving offences was an unusual event.

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