Real eyes

Traffic cameras are now being installed in the ‘Ja Choei’ dummy policemen set up in the Thai capital of Bangkok. The dummy policemen will now be able to identify driving offenders and help establish who caused traffic incidents and crashes. The cameras are positioned at high and low angles to maximise their field of view and are linked to a central monitor using wireless Internet. Initially the cameras are powered by batteries that last up to 24 hours before needing replacement but solar power units will be
February 18, 2013
Traffic cameras are now being installed in the ‘Ja Choei’ dummy policemen set up in the Thai capital of Bangkok. The dummy policemen will now be able to identify driving offenders and help establish who caused traffic incidents and crashes. The cameras are positioned at high and low angles to maximise their field of view and are linked to a central monitor using wireless Internet. Initially the cameras are powered by batteries that last up to 24 hours before needing replacement but solar power units will be fitted in due course to extend operation and reduce servicing needs.