Oranges are not the only fruit

Police in the US state of Connecticut had to search for a man who repeatedly bashed his car into a filling station so that he could break into the building. The man was then seen stealing a banana, which he ate at the scene of the crime shortly before departing from the premises in his now rather battered Ford SUV. An inspection of the filling station’s CCTV system plainly showed the vehicle hitting the building and the man entering the property, stealing the banana and then leaving the premises.
March 27, 2014
Police in the US state of Connecticut had to search for a man who repeatedly bashed his car into a filling station so that he could break into the building. The man was then seen stealing a banana, which he ate at the scene of the crime shortly before departing from the premises in his now rather battered Ford SUV. An inspection of the filling station’s CCTV system plainly showed the vehicle hitting the building and the man entering the property, stealing the banana and then leaving the premises.

He made no attempt to hide his identity so police were able to issue a detailed description of the man, the clothes he was wearing and also of the damage to the vehicle.