Online reporting

Police in Paris are now using popular Internet social networks to locate witnesses to traffic accidents. However this development has been criticised by some as a move towards underhand spying. The police in Paris now offer Twitter and Facebook reporting capabilities that are being used to help solve hit-and-run cases in the city and its surrounding suburbs. Users can access a website and find details of an incident, with location, date, time and circumstances. Critics of the scheme say that it will result
February 22, 2012
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Police in Paris are now using popular Internet social networks to locate witnesses to traffic accidents. However this development has been criticised by some as a move towards underhand spying. The police in Paris now offer 3008 Twitter and 3009 Facebook reporting capabilities that are being used to help solve hit-and-run cases in the city and its surrounding suburbs. Users can access a website and find details of an incident, with location, date, time and circumstances. Critics of the scheme say that it will result in many being falsely accused, due to others bearing grudges.

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