Map Reading Skills

In Belgium a pensioner planning to drive 61km to a train station to pick up a friend made a somewhat longer journey than expected. The woman followed the advice of her satellite navigation system, which directed her through six countries in all and she ended up in Zagreb in Croatia, 1,440km from her original starting point. Despite seeing road signs in dierent languages, having to stop to refuel on a number of occasions and even parking in a roadside rest-stop for a sleep in her car, the woma
April 23, 2013
In Belgium a pensioner planning to  drive 61km to a train station to pick  up a friend made a somewhat  longer journey than expected. The  woman followed the advice of her  satellite navigation system, which  directed her through six countries  in all and she ended up in Zagreb  in Croatia, 1,440km from her  original starting point. Despite  seeing road signs in dierent  languages, having to stop to refuel  on a number of occasions and even  parking in a roadside rest-stop for a  sleep in her car, the woman was  not aware she had gone astray. Her  son, worried at her absence, had in  the meantime called police that  she was missing and a search had  commenced in Belgium. When she  realised her mistake on arriving in  Zagreb she was able to contact her  son and the search was called off. She did however have to drive  home another 1,440km. It is not  clear if she has bought a new  satellite navigation device, learned  to program the existing unit or  simply gone back to using a map.