I salute thee

Pupils attending schools in an area of southern China now have another key rule to follow, thanks to zealous local officials. The children have been told to raise a salute to every passing car on their journey to and from school. The rule has been introduced in an attempt to cut traffic accidents by making pupils more aware of passing vehicles as well as to alert the drivers to the children. This has come in for some criticism however, with many locals commenting that more conventional road safety measures
February 22, 2012
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Pupils attending schools in an area of southern China now have another key rule to follow, thanks to zealous local officials. The children have been told to raise a salute to every passing car on their journey to and from school. The rule has been introduced in an attempt to cut traffic accidents by making pupils more aware of passing vehicles as well as to alert the drivers to the children. This has come in for some criticism however, with many locals commenting that more conventional road safety measures would be more effective in reducing accident levels. But for the children at least, the requirement to salute passing vehicles is not arduous and only becomes an inconvenience on days when traffic volumes are high.

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