Fuelling the fire

A motorcyclist in India found out exactly why it is advisable not to use a cellphone while topping up fuel at a filling station. The man stopped to fill the tank of his motorcycle, then rested the phone on the bike. A huge flame suddenly appeared, setting the rider and his bike alight. Luckily however an attendant was near at hand, quickly coming to the aid of the rider. The motorcyclist also had the good sense to move his bike away from the pumps, preventing the fire from spreading.
December 23, 2015

A motorcyclist in India found out exactly why it is advisable not to use a cellphone while topping up fuel at a filling station. The man stopped to fill the tank of his motorcycle, then rested the phone on the bike. A huge flame suddenly appeared, setting the rider and his bike alight. Luckily however an attendant was near at hand, quickly coming to the aid of the rider. The motorcyclist also had the good sense to move his bike away from the pumps, preventing the fire from spreading.
