Bikers and animals

In the US a kindhearted motorcyclist put her life at risk when she saw a kitten fall out of a vehicle while she waited at the traffic lights at a busy intersection. The woman rider ran forward from her motorcycle, gesturing at vehicles to stop so as to prevent the ginger kitten from being run over. The woman handed the kitten to a passerby before returning to her motorcycle and moving it to the side of the intersection. She then collected the animal and has since taken it home, renaming it Skidmarks.
May 10, 2016

In the US a kindhearted motorcyclist put her life at risk when she saw a kitten fall out of a vehicle while she waited at the traffic lights at a busy intersection. The woman rider ran forward from her motorcycle, gesturing at vehicles to stop so as to prevent the ginger kitten from being run over. The woman handed the kitten to a passerby before returning to her motorcycle and moving it to the side of the intersection.

She then collected the animal and has since taken it home, renaming it Skidmarks.

Meanwhile in South East Asia a motorcyclist had a rather more alarming encounter with animal life. The man was riding his two-wheeler along a road running through a protected area, passing close to a herd of elephants. The animals, disturbed by the sound of the two-wheeler, turned and advanced towards him and he jumped off the bike, choosing to stand at a distance. The authorities are now looking to close the roads into the protected area to two-wheeler traffic. And in the US, a police officer may have had reason to regret rescuing a donkey found wandering loose. The Oklahoma-based officer had responded to a report that the animal was roaming free in the town of Norman and possibly at risk of being run down by a vehicle. The officer arrived on scene and apprehended the donkey, using food to tempt it to come close and then putting it in the rear of his police cruiser for safety. The animal then expressed its gratitude during the journey to the police pound by relieving itself over the rear seat of the car, which later had to be cleaned.
