Free buspass

A pet owner in the UK has been surprised to find out that her treasured cat regularly uses local buses in the area. The cat started by visiting the nearby bus station and, finding the buses warm and comfortable, began sitting inside. The 15 year old cat now often makes 16km round trips in the Dorset area and is well known to local bus drivers, who also know at which stop to let the cat off. Drivers have even taken tins of food to work with them to feed the pampered pet, which often likes to sit in the laps
April 11, 2013
A pet owner in the UK has been surprised to find out that her treasured cat regularly uses local buses in the area. The cat started by visiting the nearby bus station and, finding the buses warm and comfortable, began sitting inside. The 15 year old cat now often makes 16km round trips in the Dorset area and is well known to local bus drivers, who also know at which stop to let the cat off. Drivers have even taken tins of food to work with them to feed the pampered pet, which often likes to sit in the laps of passengers. As the animal is 15 years old, it is now in the autumn of its years and could in theory be eligible for a bus pass. The bus company has asked drivers to refrain from feeding the cat but says it is not able to prevent the animal from entering the bus station or boarding buses.