Eyes on the road

A US driver has lodged a contender for the world's most feeble excuse for an accident following an incident near to his home in Oklahoma. The 68-year-old was on his way home from church when he drove his pick-up truck into a 2tonne elephant, and then claimed that he had not initially seen it.
February 22, 2012
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A US driver has lodged a contender for the world's most feeble excuse for an accident following an incident near to his home in Oklahoma. The 68-year-old was on his way home from church when he drove his pick-up truck into a 2tonne elephant, and then claimed that he had not initially seen it. The 2.44m high elephant had escaped from a nearby circus and suffered a broken tusk and an injured leg in the incident, although the accident could have been much worse had the driver not seen the fugitive animal at the last moment and swerved to avoid a head-on impact. The animal was attended to by a vet but was not seriously hurt. The driver's ego has been somewhat dented however.

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