
A man in India has built a crocodile replica body kit for his motorcycle. Part of a series of modications to the bike costing £540, the new body kit is painted green and features a head with jaws that are able to open and shut as the driver rides. It also has an extended frame allowing it to carry more than one passenger and video footage shows it transporting up to ve adult passengers. Whether the suspension and brakes are able to cope with the additional load has not been revealed but the d
April 23, 2013
A man in India has built a crocodile  replica body kit for his motorcycle.  Part of a series of modications to  the bike costing £540, the new  body kit is painted green and features a head with jaws that are  able to open and shut as the driver  rides. It also has an extended  frame allowing it to carry more  than one passenger and video  footage shows it transporting up  to ve adult passengers. Whether the suspension and brakes are able  to cope with the additional load  has not been revealed but the  diminutive engine seems to  struggle with the extra weight and  the motorcycle is not a high speed  performance machine.