Chinese charmer

A traffic officer caused consternation in China as a marathon was being held. The policeman was directing traffic and trying to ensure the safety of those competing but attracted the attentions of hundreds of female runners while doing so. The raucous runners stopped running and instead crowded around the hapless handsome hunk, who closely resembled a famous Chinese actor who plays a police officer in a popular TV series. The runners all wanted their photos taken with the officer, who is recently married an
June 5, 2015
A traffic officer caused consternation in China as a marathon was being held. The policeman was directing traffic and trying to ensure the safety of those competing but attracted the attentions of hundreds of female runners while doing so. The raucous runners stopped running and instead crowded around the hapless handsome hunk, who closely resembled a famous Chinese actor who plays a police officer in a popular TV series. The runners all wanted their photos taken with the officer, who is recently married and managed to escape the over-amorous admirers in his patrol car. A somewhat uglier officer was then selected to take his place. The incident attracted more media coverage than the race itself, which was apparently won by, someone. The reaction of the officer’s new wife to the incident has not been revealed.