Caught at last

A British man who managed to evade being caught for a number of driving offences over several years is now counting the cost. He had amassed a series of speeding offences in various high-end vehicles. In one incident he could be clearly seen in a speed camera image, making an obscene gesture at the camera. But each time the man was sent a letter informing him of an offence for which he would be prosecuted, he invented a fictitious name and personal details and claimed the person was living at one of the var
July 11, 2016
A British man who managed to evade being caught for a number of driving offences over several years is now counting the cost. He had amassed a series of speeding offences in various high-end vehicles. In one incident he could be clearly seen in a speed camera image, making an obscene gesture at the camera. But each time the man was sent a letter informing him of an offence for which he would be prosecuted, he invented a fictitious name and personal details and claimed the person was living at one of the various properties he owned. He also drove a foreign registered vehicle to further muddy the trail. This resulted in 10 speeding offences being pursued through the courts against fictitious people. The police managed to track him down and he was jailed for 18 months, banned from driving for 21 months and fined.