Cat transport

Bystanders in an Ohio town were somewhat perplexed at the sight of a car being driven along the road with a cat tied securely on top of the bonnet (hood). On hearing reports of this occurrence from a series of worried locals, police responded rapidly in a bid to track the offending driver, an elderly woman. However the trail had already grown cold and the cat carrying car had disappeared from the roadway, leaving both police and residents somewhat mystified over the incident. A local animal charity commente
June 5, 2015
Bystanders in an Ohio town were somewhat perplexed at the sight of a car being driven along the road with a cat tied securely on top of the bonnet (hood). On hearing reports of this occurrence from a series of worried locals, police responded rapidly in a bid to track the offending driver, an elderly woman. However the trail had already grown cold and the cat carrying car had disappeared from the roadway, leaving both police and residents somewhat mystified over the incident. A local animal charity commented that carrying cats in this fashion is not to be recommended.