Back wheel only

A motorcyclist in the US made a rather foolish error when showing off his wheelie skills. The car in front stopped and as the rider had being paying insufficient attention to the road ahead he rammed straight into the rear of the vehicle. Worse still, the car was a police vehicle and its occupants were none too impressed with the rider’s behaviour, booking him immediately for the offence even as he lay sprawled on the ground recovering from the impact.
September 24, 2013
A motorcyclist in the US made a rather foolish error when showing off his wheelie skills. The car in front stopped and as the rider had being paying insufficient attention to the road ahead he rammed straight into the rear of the vehicle. Worse still, the car was a police vehicle and its occupants were none too impressed with the rider’s behaviour, booking him immediately for the offence even as he lay sprawled on the ground recovering from the impact.