September 14, 2012
More citizens in Gothenburg, Sweden are opposed rather than for the congestion charge set to be introduced in the city in 2013. According to the most…
September 14, 2012
Both in Thailand and Morocco the authorities are looking separately at ways in which road safety can be improved. The two countries face similar…
September 14, 2012
Strong interest is being shown in the construction sector in Chile for the project to build the Chacao Bridge. The tender process is due to open in…
September 14, 2012
Plans are in hand in Israel to widen a 21km stretch of the Road 6 highway and strong interest has been shown in the tender process. Also known as the…
September 13, 2012
Malaysia-based UEM Group has been invited to bid for the contract to build the 22km long Temburong bridge in Brunei, according to company chairman,…
September 13, 2012
The municipal government of Hanoi is to invest US $ 96.02 million to reduce traffic jams in 27 locations in the Vietnamese capital. Between 2012 and…
September 13, 2012
Road deaths in France were down 7.6% in August 2012 compared to the same month in 2011. In total, 342 people were killed in road accidents. During…
September 13, 2012
The America Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) is honouring Astec Industries Founder Don Brock with a lifetime award as a leader…
September 12, 2012
LiuGong and ZF are intensifying their cooperation by building a new joint venture axle company in Liuzhou. China’s construction equipment…
September 11, 2012
New Zealand transport minister, Gerry Brownlee, has announced plans for a US $ 10.3 billion program to improve public transport and roads. Under the…
September 11, 2012
Albanian primeminister, Sali Berisha, has promised that his government will keep up its investment in road infrastructure projects, due to their…
September 11, 2012
Indonesia’s government is setting a US $ 20 billion budget for transport and energy sector development. The country’s president, Susilo Bambang…
September 11, 2012
A shortage of skilled engineers has caused a delay in the renovation of tunnels in Norway, according to Tore Braaten, project leader in the Norwegian…
September 11, 2012
The New Zealand government is to fund a NZ $ 10 million investment in additional speed cameras in a bid to improve road safety nationally. The ratio…
September 11, 2012
Povolzhupravtodor, a subsidiary of the Russian Federal Highway Agency, has announced a tender for major repairs of a 25km long section of Russia’s M5…