
September 30, 2024 1 minute Read
May 22, 2012
The commencement of work on a key road project in Mexico that will link Oaxaca and Puerto Escondido has now been delayed for 30 months. The project…
May 22, 2012
Australia’s Government will invest US$12.4 billion (A$12.5 billion) on the country’s road network in the 2014-2015 financial year. This does…
May 21, 2012
The authorities in the Russian city of St Petersburg will spend some US$514.6 million on road construction and reconstruction during 2012. The city…
May 21, 2012
Plans are in hand in Canada for repairs to the Gardiner Expressway near Toronto over the next 10 years. The plans call for repair works worth US$147…
May 21, 2012
Funding is being established for the Shoubra-Banha highway project planned for Egypt. The National Bank of Egypt is bringing together a consortium of…
May 21, 2012
The famous Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham, central England marks its 40th birthday this week. A firm divider of opinion among the millions of…
May 21, 2012
The organisers of the bauma 2013 exhibition in Munich have revealed that 11 months before the show is due to open, all stand space has been sold.…
May 18, 2012
Europe’s drivers will be able to save enormous sums of money if ambitious fuel economy targets are introduced by the EU this July. This claim has…
May 18, 2012
European road safety targets and casualty reduction plans are to benefit from meeting the 2013 deadline for cross border enforcement. The member…
May 18, 2012
A report by Goldman Sachs reveals Russia’s requirement for further infrastructure investment. The report, Russian Infrastructure and Construction,…
May 18, 2012
The European construction contractors and equipment manufacturers associations (the FIEC and CECE respectively) are calling for increased spending on…
May 18, 2012
A series of industrial engines from Deutz is now available that can run on 100% biodiesel. These new engines feature 2000bar injection systems and…
May 18, 2012
Despite a slight slow-down in the pace of economic growth in China, market confidence remains strong in the country. The organisers of the upcoming…
May 18, 2012
Details from the Italian construction equipment manufacturing asscoaition, UNACEA, show that domestic machine sales are still falling, while exports…
May 18, 2012
Teledata World Services has signed a letter of intent to acquire all of the equity of Superior Traffic Controls, a developer and manufacturer of…