Vietnam’s improving road safety record for children

Vietnam is seeing a steady gain in road safety standards, particularly for children. The country’s latest official statistics from the Traffic Police Department of Vietnam show a 40% drop in fatalities involving children aged between 6 and 11 on the road network. This safety improvement has been achieved through a package of measures. However, there is still concern over the number of children riding motorcycles without helmets and the Traffic Police Department of Vietnam recognises the need for greater enf
February 26, 2016
Vietnam is seeing a steady gain in road safety standards, particularly for children. The country’s latest official statistics from the Traffic Police Department of Vietnam show a 40% drop in fatalities involving children aged between 6 and 11 on the road network. This safety improvement has been achieved through a package of measures. However, there is still concern over the number of children riding motorcycles without helmets and the Traffic Police Department of Vietnam recognises the need for greater enforcement of laws. There is also a recognition that the death rate for children in road crashes is still too high at 2,000 and that further measures to reduce this toll will be required.