VIDEO: camper trailer and snowmobile takes to a frozen lake

Canadian love their ice fishing, but sometimes it gets just a little chilly out there on a windswept lake, especially when it is already -20C with no wind-chill factored in. Some people have tents and some have small portable protective huts big enough for one person. But there is a better way to head out across a frozen lake, as this do-it-yourself ice fisherman shows.
February 22, 2016
Canadian love their ice fishing, but sometimes it gets just a little chilly out there on a windswept lake, especially when it is already -20C with no wind-chill factored in.

Some people have tents and some have small portable protective huts big enough for one person.

But there is a better way to head out across a frozen lake, as this do-it-yourself ice fisherman shows.

He modified his ageing snowmobile to power a small road trailer. In this video, he shows off the camper, and then proudly takes off across the lake.

But he isn’t the only one to fight back against the harsh North American winter. It took another man about a year to create his double snowmobile ice shack, seen by <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalclicking hereVisit YouTube pagefalse;ebc=ANyPxKpxpnw4ltwOx7JYXu9OQ72wNBwKc4-nqTV5Y0uMumOVK7O5S_GmMuimCbOTYqrmHXw6xa5yTKAClmFL0VAmxTo7Gu85uAfalsefalse%>.

It is built from two double track snowmobiles welded together for the base. The top is a welded aluminium frame and riveted aluminium sheeting. It is insulated and warmth comes from a propane heater.
