Video: Wheelchair user hitches car ride up a hill

A wheelchair user was recently caught hitching a ride up a hill in the Brazilian city of Salvador. It’s slow progress, as the video shows, and care was taken by the driver to deliver his “passenger”. It is not known if the wheelchair owner had to pay for his external ride. His feat was not the first time he has picked up a lift, according to media reports that quote some of his neighbours. Media have also said the city is one of Brazil’s worst for getting around if you are in a wheelchair. The head
November 12, 2015
A wheelchair user was recently caught hitching a ride up a hill in the Brazilian city of Salvador.

It’s slow progress, as the video shows, and care was taken by the driver to deliver his “passenger”. It is not known if the wheelchair owner had to pay for his external ride.

His feat was not the first time he has picked up a lift, according to media reports that quote some of his neighbours.

Media have also said the city is one of Brazil’s worst for getting around if you are in a wheelchair. The head of a Salvadorian physically handicapped association, Maria Luiza Camara, reportedly said it is an “ordeal” for wheelchair users to find a taxi that can handle their need. Only 240 of the 7,000 registered cabs can take a wheelchair.

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