Venezuela’s road fatality rate is dangerously high

Crashes are the cause of around 7,000 deaths in Venezuela/year. Road crashes also cause 20,000 serious injuries in Venezuela/year. There are around 22.7 fatalities/100,000 of population in Venezuela/year. By comparison, Brazil has some 23.4 road deaths/100,000 of population while neighbouring Colombia has around 16.8 road deaths/100,000 of population.
October 20, 2015
Crashes are the cause of around 7,000 deaths in Venezuela/year. Road crashes also cause 20,000 serious injuries in Venezuela/year. There are around 22.7 fatalities/100,000 of population in Venezuela/year. By comparison, Brazil has some 23.4 road deaths/100,000 of population while neighbouring Colombia has around 16.8 road deaths/100,000 of population.