US$1.98bn for Costanera Central motorway in Chile

The Costanera Central motorway in Chile will require an investment of US$ 1.98bn, according to the country’s Ministry of Public Works (MOPC). The 20km road, which will connect Puente Alto with the Autopista del Sol motorway, will be put to tender in the final quarter of 2013. Construction is due for completion by 2019.
July 20, 2012
The Costanera Central motorway in Chile will require an investment of US$ 1.98bn, according to the country’s Ministry of Public Works (MOPC).

The 20km road, which will connect Puente Alto with the Autopista del Sol motorway, will be put to tender in the final quarter of 2013. Construction is due for completion by 2019.

Meanwhile, the US$1.95billion Vespucio Oriente toll road project will be put to tender over the next few months. The road will comprise 13km and will connect Americo Vespucio to El Salto. The MOPC has estimated that the number of cars on Santiago's roads will reach 1.9 million by 2015.