Upcoming transport research event in Poland

Plans are well in hand for the sixth edition of the Transport Research Arena - TRA2016 conference. This will take place in Polish capital Warsaw and follow successful events held previously in Göteborg, Ljubljana, Brussels, Athens and Paris in. This cycle of TRA conferences is the most important event in Europe that addresses scientific research on surface and water transport.
February 29, 2016
Plans are well in hand for the sixth edition of the 1109 Transport Research Arena - TRA2016 conference. This will take place in Polish capital Warsaw and follow successful events held previously in Göteborg, Ljubljana, Brussels, Athens and Paris in. This cycle of TRA conferences is the most important event in Europe that addresses scientific research on surface and water transport.

The event runs for four days from Monday 18th to Thursday 21st April 2016 and is being held at the modern PGE Narodowy stadium. The TRA2016 conference will attract scientists, private company representatives, state and road administration authorities, politicians, managers and students. Attendees will discuss the solutions to make transport more efficient, ecological and safe.

The topics of the Polish edition of the conference fall under the leading mission statement: Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow’s Mobility. Scientists and practitioners will indicate the future innovative solutions which may change the face of transport and meet the challenges connected with tomorrow's mobility. Skilful use of the synergy between science and industry will be beneficial for all of us. The latest research and innovation, technologies and implementations will be presented during the conference and feature the best practice from Europe and the world concerning the sustainable mobility of people and goods. Over 500 papers were accepted to be given as lectures and presented at scientific posters.

The European Commission, in cooperation with the Conference of European Directors of Roads - CEDR and the European technology platforms ERTRAC, ERRAC, Waterborne and ALICE as well as the co-organisers on the Polish side – the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction and the Road and Bridge Research Institute have jointly prepared the agenda for this event. The conference is also supported by ECTP, ETRA and NCBR. Each day of the conference features a unique topic that will be highlighted in the 12 high-level plenary and strategic sessions and be echoed in all the other related sessions.

TRA2016‘s programme includes a TRA Marketplace featuring 150 poster sessions, a Results Forum (professional brokerage forum) and Outreach sessions on the European Commission stand and two key workshops on women and students. It also includes dedicated special sessions on international collaboration, EU/US cooperation in the field of Automation and the vision for 2050 for transport R&I and some 34 technical sessions and 14 invited sessions. Side events include an ERA-NET Transport conference and a Horizon 2020 Brokerage event. There will also be an exhibition that features the key sponsors and can be visited during the whole event and will also feature presentations. Meanwhile social events for networking will include a welcome cocktail and Gala Dinner.
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