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TRA event planned for 2016 in Warsaw

The Transport Research Arena 2016 event is being held in the Polish capital Warsaw April 18th to 21st. The TRA2016 conference is the most important transport research event in Europe and is held every two years. The conference is aimed at stakeholders including researchers, experts, operators, industry and policy-makers. The event is being backed by the European Commission, in cooperation with the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) and the European Technological Platforms. The Ministry of Infr
September 16, 2015 Read time: 2 mins
The 1109 Transport Research Arena 2016 event is being held in the Polish capital Warsaw April 18th to 21st. The TRA2016 conference is the most important transport research event in Europe and is held every two years. The conference is aimed at stakeholders including researchers, experts, operators, industry and policy-makers. The event is being backed by the European Commission, in cooperation with the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) and the European Technological Platforms. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and the Road and Bridge Research Institute are the co-organisers of TRA2016. The event will be held in the Conference Centre at the National Stadium in Warsaw.

European researchers and scientists will be able to present applications of transport related, projects results. During the scientific abstracts submission process TRA organisers have received over 900 proposals from 52 countries. Most of them will be presented during Technical and Scientific Sessions. More information about the conference programme and registration is available on the TRA2016 official website:

One of the biggest events accompanying conference will be the TRA2016 exhibition. It will be attended by the European Commission, the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) and industrial companies - the members of the European technological platforms of surface freight transport from all over Europe.

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