UK introduces tougher sentencing for vehicle offences

The UK is to introduce tougher sentences for serious driving offences. This will focus on those repeat offenders who are driving while disqualified and cause deaths or serious injuries to others. The move comes in the wake of several campaigns on behalf of victims of bad drivers. Disqualified drivers will face a maximum of 10 years for those who kill and four years for those who cause serious injuries. The current maximum sentence is only two years for a death, while there is no specific offence for causing
May 13, 2014
The UK is to introduce tougher sentences for serious driving offences. This will focus on those repeat offenders who are driving while disqualified and cause deaths or serious injuries to others. The move comes in the wake of several campaigns on behalf of victims of bad drivers. Disqualified drivers will face a maximum of 10 years for those who kill and four years for those who cause serious injuries. The current maximum sentence is only two years for a death, while there is no specific offence for causing a serious injury while disqualified.