UK government to invest in M5 and M6 motorways

The UK government is planning to make improvements to the M5 and M6 as part of its US$150.41 billion (£100bn) infrastructure spending programme. Changes will include motorists being allowed to drive on the hard shoulder, with computerised signs being installed to inform them when it is safe to do so. The Government has also confirmed that it will provide funding for a new link road between the M6 Toll and the M54, while $8.94 billion (£6bn) will be put towards repairing roads and $5.96 billion (£4bn) will b
July 9, 2013
The UK government is planning to make improvements to the M5 and M6 as part of its US$150.41 billion (£100bn) infrastructure spending programme. Changes will include motorists being allowed to drive on the hard shoulder, with computerised signs being installed to inform them when it is safe to do so.

The Government has also confirmed that it will provide funding for a new link road between the M6 Toll and the M54, while $8.94 billion (£6bn) will be put towards repairing roads and $5.96 billion (£4bn) will be put towards resurfacing major national roads.

Meanwhile, concerns have been raised about proposed tolling on the A14 in Suffolk and its impact on the local economy and particularly the Port of Felixstowe. The redevelopment project is expected to cost around US$2.3 billion (£1.5bn). Graham Newman, Suffolk County Council roads and transport cabinet member, has expressed concerns that hauliers could decide to operate at ports in Essex and Southend rather than pay road tolls to get to and from Felixstowe. The Council will shortly outline its funding proposals for its share of the project.