Tanzania’s road safety improvement

Tanzania’s road network is becoming safer according to the latest official figures. Information from Tanzania's Police Traffic Department shows that the number of crashes from July to September 2017 was 48% lower than for the same period in 2016. There were just 1,264 crashes in this time in 2017 compared with 2,639 in 2016. With fewer crashes it follows that deaths and injuries have also seen a reduction of 32% and 40% respectively.
November 8, 2017

Tanzania’s road network is becoming safer according to the latest official figures. Information from Tanzania's Police Traffic Department shows that the number of crashes from July to September 2017 was 48% lower than for the same period in 2016. There were just 1,264 crashes in this time in 2017 compared with 2,639 in 2016. With fewer crashes it follows that deaths and injuries have also seen a reduction of 32% and 40% respectively.
