South Korea’s safer roads see fewer casualties

South Korea’s road safety is improving steadily. In 2016 the country’s road death rate was 7.1% lower at 4.292 than for the previous year. Tougher enforcement is being used to reduce the road death toll further. New infrastructure is also being introduced to help protect vulnerable road users. For 2017 the country hopes to bring the road death toll below 4,000 for the first time in many years.
April 10, 2017
South Korea’s road safety is improving steadily. In 2016 the country’s road death rate was 7.1% lower at 4.292 than for the previous year. Tougher enforcement is being used to reduce the road death toll further. New infrastructure is also being introduced to help protect vulnerable road users. For 2017 the country hopes to bring the road death toll below 4,000 for the first time in many years.