Road tolls in Bosnia are to rise by over 100%.

Director of the Bosnian motorways company Autoceste FBiH, Ensad Karic, said the federal government of Bosnia and Herzegovina had approved the increase, which will be effective from 13 June, 2013. Prices for personal vehicles on the Sarajevo-Zenica 37km motorway will increase from BAM 2 to BAM 4.20 (US$2.68).
August 24, 2012
Director of the Bosnian motorways company 5740 Autoceste FBiH, Ensad Karic, said the federal government of Bosnia and Herzegovina had approved the increase, which will be effective from 13 June, 2013. Prices for personal vehicles on the Sarajevo-Zenica 37km motorway will increase from BAM 2 to BAM 4.20 (US$2.68).
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