Road safety plan proposed for Belgium

In Belgium a programme of safety measures is being proposed in a bid to tackle the country’s high road crash rate. Belgium’s annual fatality rate is significantly higher than that of its neighbours, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Research has revealed that the risk of being involved in a fatal crash in Belgium is near to double that of neighbouring Netherlands for example. Political parties agree that drivers should be checked periodically for alcohol or drug use as well as whether they wear seatbelts
August 27, 2014

In Belgium a programme of safety measures is being proposed in a bid to tackle the country’s high road crash rate. Belgium’s annual fatality rate is significantly higher than that of its neighbours, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Research has revealed that the risk of being involved in a fatal crash in Belgium is near to double that of neighbouring Netherlands for example. Political parties agree that drivers should be checked periodically for alcohol or drug use as well as whether they wear seatbelts. Another proposal will see an increased number of speed checks being carried out on Belgium’s major highway network.
