Belgium’s road safety is improving

Improvements are being seen in Belgium’s road safety according to the latest official data.
June 6, 2017

Improvements are being seen in Belgium’s road safety according to the latest official data.

In the first quarter of 2017, Belgium saw a drop in fatalities from road crashes of 15%, with 113 being killed. In Flanders the fatality rate dropped from 68 to 61 while in Wallonia the death rate dropped from 63 to 48. There was an increase in road deaths in Brussels however from two to four. Injuries from road crashes were also reduced in the period, falling 3.4% while the number of crashes dropped by 1.6%. Of note is that the number of crashes involving young drivers fell by 9.6% to 1,455.

This road safety improvement in Belgium is highly welcome given that the country has performed poorly in terms of road safety in this respect for many years when compared to its neighbours, the Netherlands, Germany and France.
