Road safety concerns for France and Portugal following increased crashes

There is concern in France and Portugal following the publication of data showing increases in road deaths. Both countries have been highly effective in recent years in reducing road deaths and injuries following campaigns to crack down on speeding and drink driving. The recent increases in deaths and injuries from road crashes have been of major concern as a result.
August 18, 2015
There is concern in France and Portugal following the publication of data showing increases in road deaths. Both countries have been highly effective in recent years in reducing road deaths and injuries following campaigns to crack down on speeding and drink driving. The recent increases in deaths and injuries from road crashes have been of major concern as a result.

In France a high-level ministerial committee will address the rise in road deaths. The interministerial committee for road safety (CISR) will be held at the end of the summer, tasked with finding solutions to reducing road deaths, which have risen by 3.5%. It will be the first time since 2011 that such a commission has met.

Meanwhile in Portugal, data for 2015 so far shows that road deaths are up nearly 10% on 2014. During the first seven months of this year, 277 people died in collisions on Portuguese roads, 25 more than the same period of 2014, according to the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR). Fatalities increased 9.9% over 2014 while collisions increased by 5.3%. There were a total of 68,845 collisions logged between January and July this year, up 3,472 on the first seven months of 2014. There was also a 5% increase in serious injuries over the period, with a 57 more people suffering injuries requiring long-term rehabilitation.