Poland’s regional government issues permit for US$207.52mn ringroad project

Polish regional government of the Podlaskie Voivodeship has granted a permit for the construction of a ringroad in Augustow. Weather permitting, the US$207.52 million (PLN 659mn) project in the north-east Poland town may commence before the end of 2012 and is to be completed by September 2014. The new road will be 36.3km long and avoid the Nature 2000 protected area.
December 12, 2012
Polish regional government of the Podlaskie Voivodeship has granted a permit for the construction of a ringroad in Augustow.

Weather permitting, the US$207.52 million (PLN 659mn) project in the north-east Poland town may commence before the end of 2012 and is to be completed by September 2014. The new road will be 36.3km long and avoid the Nature 2000 protected area.