Plans are in hand for major highway works in Algeria

The tender process is getting underway for a series of highway contracts in Algeria. Several sections of the East-West Highway linking Arzew and Oran are being opened to bidding. These highway stretches run from; Canastel-Hai Belgaid, Belgaid-Kristel, Kristel-Cap Carbon, Cap Carbon-Arzew. Tenders are open for the Kristel-Arzew stretch and the bids will be examined from 22 October 2012. The scheduled opening date for this section of highway will be October 2014. A US$174 million contract for the Oran-Arzew s
October 10, 2012
The tender process is getting underway for a series of highway contracts in Algeria. Several sections of the East-West Highway linking Arzew and Oran are being opened to bidding. These highway stretches run from; Canastel-Hai Belgaid, Belgaid-Kristel, Kristel-Cap Carbon, Cap Carbon-Arzew. Tenders are open for the Kristel-Arzew stretch and the bids will be examined from 22 October 2012. The scheduled opening date for this section of highway will be October 2014. A US$174 million contract for the Oran-Arzew stretch was awarded to French firm BET SETOR and the work should be complete by October 2013. Once it is complete this section of the East-West highway will improve links to and from the port of Oran.