Nice in 2018: The Pavement Preservation & Recycling Summit (PPRS)

Siobhan McKelvey, president of the Paris-based International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF), explains the importance for attending next year’s Pavement Preservation & Recycling Summit. The event will be held in Nice in southern France from 26-28 March at the Nice Acropolis. One of the highlights for me that is provided by the PPRS platform is the opportunity to exchange on communication experiences throughout the world and how the challenges of promoting the role of a good road network are met.
November 17, 2017
Siobhan McKelvey, president of the Paris-based International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF)
Siobhan McKelvey, president of the Paris-based International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF), explains the importance for attending next year’s Pavement Preservation & Recycling Summit. The event will be held in Nice in southern France from 26-28 March at the Nice Acropolis.

One of the highlights for me that is provided by the PPRS platform is the opportunity to exchange on communication experiences throughout the world and how the challenges of promoting the role of a good road network are met.

The core messages are likely to be very similar as the road networks worldwide all support their citizens with most of their mobility needs in a safe and sustainable way. This will again be one of the main topics at PPRS Nice 2018, a key message that came out from the last PPRS 2015 in Paris:

Roads remain the backbone of transport and mobility for all and, therefore, is pivotal to prosperity and welfare. But we all know that there are several major global challenges facing transport - exploding demand, digitalisation, scarce funding.

In austere financial times there is a significant challenge for governments and local authorities in the world to fund the transport system and ensure a proper road system maintenance. Moreover, the digital revolution is having a huge impact on our mobility and on how we will need to adapt the road infrastructure to accommodate this dramatic change and to provide sustainable mobility to all citizens.

When the International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF) decided to be a main sponsor of the first Pavement Preservation & Recycling Summit (PPRS) 2015 the main driver to do this was that we believed we shared the same end goal and vision as other supporters of PPRS. As an industry organisation, we wanted to be proactive in our participation for such an important initiative – we believed it was very much aligned with the objectives of our mission to create positive environment for the use of bitumen emulsions. Preserving roads by implementing effective planned maintenance.
IBEF acts as a platform for bitumen emulsion associations and related companies Worldwide to share best practices and promote the use of our product. Encouraging the need for planned road maintenance and highlighting the awareness of various applications using bitumen emulsions is at the heart of our activities.

We see IBEF and the bitumen emulsion industry as being an important part of a comprehensive toolkit within the wider road industry - offering effective and efficient solutions for many of the road maintenance challenges decision-makers are facing today.

The participation and output that was achieved from the initial PPRS demonstrated the potential of working together under one umbrella to streamline communication efforts as an industry overall. Clear messages still need to be adopted and communicated several times to create momentum. Another important benefit of engaging different stakeholders in this activity is that they have access to different communities and networks to spread the messages further, reaching a wider audience.

With a common vision to preserve our roads globally shared by other stakeholders, the logical way forward is to work together to achieve the goal. The driver behind the wheel will be different for most of the stakeholders but they are all on the same journey and end destination - the better communication between them will ensure everyone gets to that finish line successfully.

Effective industry communication starts with better industry collaboration, stakeholder relationships and strong partnerships. Initiatives like the PPRS 2018 are very important as they provide the means to develop more effective communications.

I am convinced that the opportunity provided by the PPRS and other similar Industry wide initiatives are needed if we are to continue the momentum for promoting the importance of preserving our pavements. A consolidated voice, which is stronger and louder, is needed to talk about the future of our roads.

Join this special community and see you in Nice.

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Pavement Preservation & Recycling Summit
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International Bitumen Emulsion Federation
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