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Materials on the agenda at first summit

A White Paper is currently being drawn up following the completion of the first "successful" World Materials Perspectives (WMP) in Nancy, France.
March 1, 2012 Read time: 1 min
A White Paper is currently being drawn up following the completion of the first "successful" 3517 World Materials Perspectives (WMP) in Nancy, France.

Organised by the Competition Cluster in the Lorraine Region, Materalia, and the Jean-Lamour Institute (IJL), the first international summit devoted to the energy challenges of the materials industry attracted 250 participants and involved some 150 companies from around the world.

Chaired by Francis Mer, former French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the WMP brought together many attendees with influence in the fields of research, industry and regulations from 16 countries in order to work together on issues related to materials.

"In the course of two days, the participants, organisers and sponsors met in Nancy to exchange on the many changes coming about at the technical, scientific and economic levels in the materials sector, a theme neglected over the last years, today revived and in full force with regard to reducing energy consumption," said the organisers.

With alternating plenary sessions and workshops, the summit helped cover many themes such as, sustainable development, the depletion of resources, renewable energies and the characteristics of new materials.

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