ITF Summit 2016 Awards to recognise outstanding achievements

Transport operators, manufacturers and researchers will be honoured at the International Transport Forum Awards in the presence of transport ministers from around the world at the ITF’s Annual Summit on 18-20 May in Leipzig, Germany. The ITF will award prizes in three categories: Transport Achievement Award: Recognises a demonstrated achievement of excellence in transport provision.
March 7, 2016
Transport operators, manufacturers and researchers will be honoured at the 1102 International Transport Forum Awards in the presence of transport ministers from around the world at the ITF’s Annual Summit on 18-20 May in Leipzig, Germany.

The ITF will award prizes in three categories:

• Transport Achievement Award: Recognises a demonstrated achievement of excellence in transport provision.

• Promising Transport Innovation Award: Recognises an innovation that has the potential to significantly improve the quality, performance, user experience, accessibility, sustainability or intermodality of the transport offer for the movement of people and/or goods across one or more of the transport modes or through the reduction or elimination of travel.

• Young Researcher of the Year Award: Carrying a prize of €5,000, this award highlights the importance of transport research for sound transport policy formulation and implementation. It is open to researchers of up to 35 years of age who have undertaken their research in an institution, university or consultancy firm located in a member country of the International Transport Forum.

ITF’s 2016 Summit on Green and Inclusive Transport will explore the importance of low-carbon transport as an essential element in the transition to a green growth economy as well as the changes needed to make transport more inclusive and provide access for everyone to jobs, public services, and other opportunities.

Since 2008, the Summit has brought together ministers from around the world to share policy perspectives with chief executives, heads of international organisations and leaders from civil society, academia and media. This vibrant conference addresses strategic and topical issues across all transport modes where participants can engage in the debate through a variety of session formats.

Ministers are joined by high-level speakers in more than 20 panel sessions covering a wide range of cutting-edge transport topics. Panels reflect a broad geographic and professional diversity and focus on practical policy experiences from different settings. The discussions are moderated by experienced journalists.

The ministerial sessions are at the heart of the Summit. In the Open Ministerial session, transport ministers from the ITF’s 57 member countries exchange ideas on the burning political issues for the transport sector. Additional input is provided by three chief executives from transport or related sectors. This session is open to all delegates and the media.

Also, more than 50 exhibitors from around the world will showcase their latest initiatives and technological developments. They represent governments, businesses, international organisations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and business associations.

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