Latest data shows Spain’s road crash rate falling

The latest official statistics from Spain reveal and improvement in road safety, with a reduction in the number of those killed or seriously injured on the country’s roads. In 2011 there were 2,060 deaths caused by crashes on Spanish roads in 2011, a 13% drop from the previous year. These figures include those people dying within 30 days of a crash
November 26, 2012

The latest official statistics from Spain reveal and improvement in road safety, with a reduction in the number of those killed or seriously injured on the country’s roads. In 2011 there were 2,060 deaths caused by crashes on Spanish roads in 2011, a 13% drop from the previous year. These figures include those people dying within 30 days of a crash. This overall reduction in fatalities is even more of note, as previous statistics only recorded those dying within 24 hours of a crash.
