Interest is strong in the project to build Chile’s Chacao Bridge

Strong interest from a wide array of contractors has been shown in the project to construct the Chacao Bridge in Chile. In all some 47 sets of terms and conditions have been sold in the pre-qualification process for the tender to design and construct the Chacao Bridge. When complete the bridge will link Chiloe Island with the mainland of Chile, in the Los Lagos region. Chile’s Ministry for Public Works is now evaluating the companies/consortia that meet the requirements to build the bridge. The contract wil
March 4, 2013
Strong interest from a wide array of contractors has been shown in the project to construct the Chacao Bridge in Chile. In all some 47 sets of terms and conditions have been sold in the pre-qualification process for the tender to design and construct the Chacao Bridge. When complete the bridge will link Chiloe Island with the mainland of Chile, in the Los Lagos region. Chile’s Ministry for Public Works is now evaluating the companies/consortia that meet the requirements to build the bridge. The contract will be awarded in the first quarter of 2014, with work starting in 2015. The bridge is expected to open to traffic in 2019. Its construction is expected to bring jobs to the area and it will also help develop the economy of the island when it is complete. Various projects have been discussed with regard to improving transport connections to the island for some time.