IAM says more action needed to cut UK road casualty numbers

IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) director Neil Greig said “much more” needed to be done to sustain an encouraging drop in the latest published quarterly road casualty statistics for the UK. The latest Department for Transport figures revealed 400 people were killed in road accidents in Britain between April-June 2012 – down 18% than the 487 killed over the same period of 2011. The total number of casualties was 47,880 between April-June 2012, a fall of 7% on the 51,580 in Q2 2011.
November 1, 2012
IAM (5125 Institute of Advanced Motorists) director Neil Greig said “much more” needed to be done to sustain an encouraging drop in the latest published quarterly road casualty statistics for the UK.

The latest 5432 Department for Transport figures revealed 400 people were killed in road accidents in Britain between April-June 2012 – down 18% than the 487 killed over the same period of 2011. The total number of casualties was 47,880 between April-June 2012, a fall of 7% on the 51,580 in Q2 2011.

However, further DoT figures showed there had been a significant rise in some road casualty recording categories the year to June 30, 2012 compared to the previous 12 months.

The number of cyclists killed or seriously injured rose 9% from 2,950 to 3,210. This is also a 27% rise on the average number of cyclists killed or seriously injured between 2005 and 2009.

The number of motorcyclists killed or seriously injured rose 5% in the year to June 30, 2012, from 5,207 in 2010/11 to 5,450.

The number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured rose 5% in the 12 months to June 30 this year, from 5,701 in 2010/11 to 5,970.

Commenting on the figures, Greig said: “In the six months before these results there were increases in the numbers killed and seriously injured.  This [Q2 2012] drop has not made up for that.  We need to do much more to turn this quarter’s figures into a trend. Upgrading roads, targeted safety campaigns and measures to improve road user awareness among new drivers are needed too.

“The drop in road casualties is really good news but the Department for Transport admits that it is likely to be linked to this year’s wet weather. We shouldn’t rely on a few months of dodgy weather to get cyclists and motorcyclists casualties down.”
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