High percentage of DUI deaths in Catalonia, Spain

Official figures from Catalonia in Spain show a high percentage of road fatalities relate to driving under the influence of drink or drugs. According to the Legal Medicines Institute in Catalonia, post mortem tests showed positive for drink or drugs in 45% of road accident deaths in the region.
May 9, 2016

Official figures from Catalonia in Spain show a high percentage of road fatalities relate to driving under the influence of drink or drugs. According to the Legal Medicines Institute in Catalonia, post mortem tests showed positive for drink or drugs in 45% of road accident deaths in the region. The crash rate in the region is improving for 2016 so far, compared to the same period of 2015. There were 33 crashes involving fatalities occurring in Catalonia up to 25th April, down from 42 for the same period in 2015 and representing a 21.4% drop in incidents. There were 53 fatalities in these crashes however, compared to 49 from the same period in the previous year. The region's strategic road safety plan for 2014-2020 is intended to cut the number of road related fatalities by 50% compared to 2010. It is also intended to lower the number of serious, life-changing injuries by 40% while the aim is to cut the number of children dying in road crashes by 60%. Various measures are being used including installing new cameras that can detect the use of mobile phones while at the wheel as well as passengers not wearing seat belts. In addition, new speed detection radar systems will be installed at various points on the road network.
