Boosting two wheeler safety in Europe

A new campaign is being rolled out across several European nations in a bid to boost safety for cyclists and motorcyclists. The Think Bikes pan-European road safety campaign is intended to generate awareness for the high number of deaths and injuries among cyclists and motorcyclists. With more than 11 European countries developing national campaigns on this topic in 2015, the FIA hopes to raise international awareness for drivers to look out for users of bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles. This follows on fro
June 4, 2015
A new campaign is being rolled out across several European nations in a bid to boost safety for cyclists and motorcyclists. The Think Bikes pan-European road safety campaign is intended to generate awareness for the high number of deaths and injuries among cyclists and motorcyclists. With more than 11 European countries developing national campaigns on this topic in 2015, the FIA hopes to raise international awareness for drivers to look out for users of bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles. This follows on from extensive research showing that road users on two wheels are the victims of bad driving in the majority of crashes they are involved in. The single most common cause of a crash involving a rider on two wheels is from another road user failing to look properly.