August 21, 2020 2 mins Read
In this issue’s materials testing news, there’s a glimpse of how artificial intelligence could improve quality and efficiency in concrete…
August 19, 2020
Advances in asphalt paving control systems are helping contractors deliver higher efficiency
August 12, 2020 3 mins Read
Major rebuilding work has been carried out at Minangkabau International Airport (PDG), while the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) has been…
August 10, 2020 4 mins Read
Malaysia’s huge Pan Borneo Highway project is benefiting from the use of some of the latest technologies in its planning, design and construction
August 10, 2020 3 mins Read
Minnich Manufacturing has introduced its latest A-4SCW on-slab self-propelled wireless dowel pin drill. The firm claims that this unit features the…
August 7, 2020 5 mins Read
Several firms are introducing new earthmoving machines with increased performance
August 6, 2020 2 minutes Read
After research, California’s Caltrans is reviewing its highway design standards.
August 5, 2020 2 mins Read
According to recent figures, there are over 560,000 potholes that pose a risk of damage to vehicles in the UK alone, and the situation is similar in…
August 3, 2020 2 mins Read
Familiarly known as “speed cameras” to motorists around the world, automated speed enforcement (ASE) devices produce a record of the speed of a…
July 27, 2020
The International Road Federation (Geneva) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBSCD) are co-leading a new work stream on…