
September 19, 2024 1 minute 30 seconds Read
February 28, 2012
A Europe without borders is an attractive prospect for the construction and design industries, claim supporters of Eurocodes. For all companies…
February 28, 2012
FEHRL's fifth SERRP is set to drive road transport into the 21st century
February 28, 2012
The biggest problem on UK roads is congestion, and there is no shortage of ideas as to how it should be tackled. Patrick Smith reports. Congestion (…
February 28, 2012
In March 1991, the International Road Educational Foundation (IREF), through the leadership of Dana Low, John Gehrett and Marion Dietrich, among…
February 28, 2012
Integrated construction software offers an effective planning solution - *Mark Nichols writes. In a world where resources are limited, 20 year…
February 28, 2012
In emerging economies around the world, rural roads often play a key economic role as the first link in a complex agricultural supply chain.
February 28, 2012
Asphalt rubber is a medium that solves the problem of waste tyres and at the same time produces a material that is suitable for highway use.
February 28, 2012
David CA Phillips reports on the changing structure of the global construction equipment industry. In 2007, the year of peak historical demand and…
February 28, 2012
An upfront combination of both cost savings and reduced environmental impact are now possible as a result of Kraton Polymers' continued investment in…
February 28, 2012
Bitumen has been used for thousands of years, but now a wide variety of products are available that can be added to it to produce blends with…