October 1, 2014
The IRF is a member of the Advisory Group of the EDGAR project aiming at delivering greener asphalt roads This is an important project as reducing…
October 1, 2014
A series of innovations in engine technology will cut emissions and deliver fuel savings for customers - Mike Woof writes The start of 2014 saw the…
October 1, 2014
The IRF’s latest calendar of events reaffirms its global reach "As a strong believer in continuing education, the IRF will continue its initiative to…
October 1, 2014
Exciting weigh in motion solutions have been introduced, while a leading North American WIM firm has secured a lucrative US contract. Guy Woodford…
October 1, 2014
Indonesia’s vice-minister of Public Works is engineer Hermanto Dardak and he has been awarded the International Road Federation’s highest and most…
September 16, 2014
Italian formwork specialist Pilosio held its fourth annual Building Peace Award in the historic setting of Venice’s Scuola Grande on Friday 12…
September 11, 2014
Efficient new soil compaction machines featuring the latest technology are now coming to market – Mike Woof reports The start of 2014 has seen a…
September 11, 2014
Key developments are being seen in the markets for compact compaction and loading machines - Mike Woof writes Various new utility machines are now…
September 10, 2014
Nepal’s road traffic policing is improving to help tackle safety – information provided by World Highways correspondent Ram Krishna Wagle The police…
September 10, 2014
Super-fine milling is a technique that has been used in Brazil to rehabilitate roads for the World Cup The rehabilitation work had to be carried out…