Uganda road funding from China?

Uganda is seeking a loan worth US$500 million from China to help pay for road development projects. The loan is being requested from China’s Exim Bank by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). Should the loan be secured, it would help pay for improvements works to 580km of roads in Uganda. The new road links will help provide transport to the newly discovered oil reserves in Uganda’s Albertine Rift Basin.
Finance & Funding / March 24, 2017
Uganda is seeking a loan worth US$500 million from China to help pay for road development projects. The loan is being requested from China’s Exim Bank by the 1069 Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). Should the loan be secured, it would help pay for improvements works to 580km of roads in Uganda. The new road links will help provide transport to the newly discovered oil reserves in Uganda’s Albertine Rift Basin.
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