Tanzania road development projects being planned

A series of major road projects are now being planned in Tanzania, with funding sources for much of the work having been identified and secured. The largest of these is being delivered with a World Bank loan worth US$425 million, which will help pay for transport improvements in Tanzania’s capital, Dar es Salaam.
Finance & Funding / March 24, 2017
A series of major road projects are now being planned in Tanzania, with funding sources for much of the work having been identified and secured. The largest of these is being delivered with a World Bank loan worth US$425 million, which will help pay for transport improvements in Tanzania’s capital, Dar es Salaam.

In addition, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) will carry out the $84.5 million Ubungo interchange project. This is the meeting point for the Morogoro, Sam Nujoma and Nelson Mandela roads. The junction currently handles some 60,000 vehicles/day and experiences heavy congestion at peak periods. The work should take 30 months to carry out and will improve journey times for drivers as well as safety when it is finished.

And the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (Kuwait Fund) is providing a loan worth $49 million to upgrade the 85.5km stretch of road connecting Chaya with Nyahua. This follows an agreement between the Kuwait Fund and the Ministry for Finance and Planning for Tanzania. Work being carried out includes rebuilding the drainage system, carrying out earthmoving, surfacing the route and also constructing bridges. The work on this route will boost transport between Kigoma and Port of Dar es Salaam as well as neighbouring nations such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and Burundi.