Budget set for Zimbabwe highway deal

The budget has been set at US$693 million for the Zimbabwe’s highway running between Harare, Masvingo and Beibridge.
Finance & Funding / November 12, 2018

The budget has been set at US$693 million for the Zimbabwe’s highway running between Harare, Masvingo and Beibridge. The Zimbabwe Government is overseeing the project, which involves widening the existing route so that it will have two lanes in either direction, instead of one lane in either direction at present. The work is expected to take three years to carry out.

The troubled project has had a difficult history so far. A contract for the work was given to a firm with no experience of road construction, with the deal later being withdrawn. Questions have been asked as why it was awarded to the company in the first place.

A portion of the funding required looks likely to be provided by Chinese sources, although discussions have yet to be concluded. The current plan is for the construction work to be carried out by local firms.
